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『簡體書』统计力学 第3版

書城自編碼: 2008645
作者: [美]帕斯瑞
國際書號(ISBN): 9787510044120
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
出版日期: 2012-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 718/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 410.1



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《量子统计力学导论 第2版》
preface to the third edition
preface to the second edition
preface to the first edition
historical introduction
1. the statistical basis of thermodynamics
 1.1. the macroscopic and the microscopic states
 1.2. contact between statistics and thermodynamics:physical
significance of the number n, v,e
 1.3. further contact between statistics and thermodynamics
 1.4. the classical ideal gas
 1.5. the entropy of mixing and the gibbs paradox
 1.6. the "correct" enumeration of the microstates
2. elements of ensemble theory
 2.1. phase space of a classical system
 2.2. liouville''s theorem and its consequences
 2.3. the microcanordcal ensemble
 2.4. examples
 2.5. quantum states and the phase space
3. the canonical ensemble
 3.1. equilibrium between a system and a heat reservoir
 3.2. a system in the canonical ensemble
 3.3. physical significance of the various statistical quantities
in the canonical ensemble
 3.4. alternative expressions for the partition function
 3.5. the classical systems
 3.6. energy fluctuations in the canonical ensemble:correspondence
with the microcanonical ensemble
 3.7. two theorems - the "equipartition" and the "virial"
 3.8. a system of harmonic oscillators
 3.9. the statistics of paramagnetism
 3.10. thermodynamics of magnetic systems:negative
4. the grand canonical ensemble
 4.1. equilibrium between a system and a particle-energy
 4.2. a system in the grand canonical ensemble
 4.3. physical significance of the various statistical
 4.4. examples
 4.5. density and energy fluctuations in the grand canonical
ensemble: correspondence with other ensembles
 4.6. thermodynamic phase diagrams
 4.7. phase equilibrium and the clausius-clapeyron equation
5. formulation of quantum statistics
 5.1. quantum-mechanical ensemble theory:the density matrix
 5.2. statistics of the various ensembles
 5.3. examples
 5.4. systems composed of indistinguishable particles
 5.5. the density matrix and the partition function of a system of
free particles
6. the theory of simple gases
 6.1. an ideal gas in a quantum-mechanical microcanonical
 6.2. an ideal gas in other quantum-mechanical ensembles
 6.3. statistics of the occupation numbers
 6.4. kinetic considerations
 6.5. gaseous systems composed of molecules with internal
 6.6. chemical equilibrium problems
7. ideal bose systems
 7.1. thermodynamic behavior of an ideal bose gas
 7.2. bose-einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases
 7.3. thermodynamics of the blackbody radiation
 7.4. the field of sound waves
 7.5. inertial density of the sound field
 7.6. elementary excitations in liquid helium ii
8. ideal fermi systems
 8.1. thermodynamic behavior of an ideal fermi gas
 8.2. magnetic behavior of an ideal fermi gas
 8.3. the electron gas in metals
 8.4. ultracold atomic fermi gases
 8.5. statistical equilibrium of white dwarf stars
 8.6. statistical model of the atom
9. thermodynamics of the early universe
 9.1. observational evidence of the big bang
 9.2. evolution of the temperature of the universe
 9.3. relativistic electrons, positrons, and neutrinos
 9.4. neutron fraction
 9.5. annihilation of the positrons and electrons
 9.6. neutrino temperature
 9.7. primordial nucleosynthesis
 9.8. recombination
 9.9. epilogue
10. statistical mechanics of interacting systems:the method of
cluster expansions
 10.1. cluster expansion for a classical gas
 10.2. virial expansion of the equation of state
 10.3. evaluation of the virial coefficients
 10.4. general remarks on cluster expansions
 10.5. exact treatment of the second virial coefficient
 10.6. cluster expansion for a quantum-mechanical system
 10.7. correlations and scattering
11. statistical mechanics of interacting systems:the method of
quantized fields
 11.1. the formalism of second quantization
 11.2. low-temperature behavior of an imperfect bose gas
 11.3. low-lying states of an imperfect bose gas
 11.4. energy spectrum of a bose liquid
 11.5. states with quantized circulation
 11.6. quantized vortex rings and the breakdown of
 11.7. low-lying states of an imperfect fermi gas
 11.8. energy spectrum of a fermi liquid: landau''s phenomenological
 11.9. condensation in fermi systems
12. phase transitions: criticality, universality, and scaling
 12.1. general remarks on the problem of condensation
 12.2. condensation of a van der waals gas
 12.3. a dynamical model of phase transitions
 12.4. the lattice gas and the binary alloy
 12.5. ising model in the zeroth approximation
 12.6. ising model in the first approximation
 12.7. the critical exponents
 12.8. thermodynamic inequalities
 12.9. landau''s phenomenological theory
 12.10. scaling hypothesis for thermodynamic functions
 12.11. the role of correlations and fluctuations
 12.12. the critical exponents v and
 12.13. a final look at the mean field theory
13. phase transitions: exact or almost exact results for various
 13.1. one-dimensional fluid models
 13.2. the ising model in one dimension
 13.3. the n-vector models in one dimension
 13.4. the ising model in two dimensions
 13.5. the spherical model in arbitrary dimensions
 13.6. the ideal bose gas in arbitrary dimensions
 13.7. other models
14. phase transitions: the renormalization group approach
 14.1. the conceptual basis of scaling
 14.2. some simple examples of renormalization
 14.3. the renormalization group: general formulation
 14.4. applications of the renormalization group
 14.5. finite-size scaling
15. fluctuations and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
 15.1. equilibrium thermodynamic fluctuations
 15.2. the einstein-smoluchowski theory of the brownian
 15.3. the langevin theory of the brownian motion
 15.4. approach to equilibrium: the fokker-planck equation
 15.5. spectral analysis of fluctuations: the wiener-khintchine
 15.6. the fluctuation-dissipation theorem
 15.7. the onsager relations
16. computer simulations
 16.1. introductionand statistics
 16.2. monte carlo simulations
 16.3. molecular dynamics
 16.5. computer simulation caveats
 a. influence of boundary conditions on the distribution of quantum
 b. certain mathematical functions
 c. "volume" and "surface area" of an n-dimensional sphere of
radius r
 d. on bose-einstein functionse. on fermi-dirac functions
 f. a rigorous analysis of the ideal bose gas and the onset of
bose-einstein condensation
 g. on watson functions
 h. thermodynamic relationships
 i. pseudorandom numbers



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