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書城自編碼: 2012464
作者: [德]Nicolai
國際書號(ISBN): 9787115296870
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
出版日期: 2013-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 全2册/1714000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 339.2



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1 About This Book 
1.1 WhyThisBook 
1.2 Before Reading This Book 
1.3 Style and Structure of the Book 
1.4 HowtoReadThisBook 
1.5 Stateof theArt 
1.6 Example Code and Additional Information 
1.7 Feedback 

2 Introduction to C++ and the Standard Library 
2.1 History of theC++Standards 
2.1.1 Common Questions about the C++11 Standard 
2.1.2 Compatibility between C++98 and C++11 
2.2 Complexity and Big-O Notation 

3 New Language Features 
3.1 New C++11 Language Features 
3.1.1 Important Minor Syntax Cleanups 
3.1.2 Automatic Type Deduction with auto 
3.1.3 Uniform Initialization and Initializer Lists 
3.1.4 Range-Based for Loops 
3.1.5 Move Semantics and Rvalue References 
3.1.6 NewStringLiterals 
3.1.7 Keyword noexcept 
3.1.8 Keyword constexpr 
3.1.9 NewTemplateFeatures 
3.1.10 Lambdas 
3.1.11 Keyword decltype 
3.1.12 New Function Declaration Syntax 
3.1.13 Scoped Enumerations 
3.1.14 New Fundamental Data Types 
3.2 Old “New” Language Features 
3.2.1 Explicit Initialization for Fundamental Types 
3.2.2 Definition of main 

4 General Concepts 
4.1 Namespace std 
4.2 HeaderFiles 
4.3 Error and Exception Handling 
4.3.1 Standard Exception Classes 
4.3.2 Members of Exception Classes 
4.3.3 Passing Exceptions with Class exception_ptr 
4.3.4 Throwing Standard Exceptions 
4.3.5 Deriving from Standard Exception Classes 
4.4 CallableObjects 
4.5 Concurrency and Multithreading 
4.6 Allocators 

5 Utilities 
5.1 Pairs and Tuples 
5.1.1 Pairs 
5.1.2 Tuples 
5.1.3 IO for Tuples 
5.1.4 Conversions between tuples and pairs 
5.2 Smart Pointers 
5.2.1 Class shared_ptr 
5.2.2 Class weak_ptr 
5.2.3 Misusing Shared Pointers 
5.2.4 Shared and Weak Pointers in Detail 
5.2.5 Class unique_ptr 
5.2.6 Class unique_ptr inDetail 
5.2.7 Class auto_ptr 
5.2.8 Final Words on Smart Pointers 
5.3 NumericLimits 
5.4 Type Traits and Type Utilities 
5.4.1 PurposeofTypeTraits 
5.4.2 TypeTraits inDetail 
5.4.3 ReferenceWrappers 
5.4.4 Function Type Wrappers 
5.5 Auxiliary Functions 
5.5.1 Processing the Minimum and Maximum 
5.5.2 Swapping Two Values 
5.5.3 Supplementary Comparison Operators 
5.6 Compile-Time Fractional Arithmetic with Class
5.7 Clocks andTimers 
5.7.1 Overviewof theChronoLibrary 
5.7.2 Durations 
5.7.3 Clocks and Timepoints 
5.7.4 Date and Time Functions by C and POSIX 
5.7.5 Blocking with Timers 
5.8 Header Files , , and  
5.8.1 Definitions in  
5.8.2 Definitions in  
5.8.3 Definitions in  

6 The Standard Template Library 
6.1 STL Components 
6.2 Containers 
6.2.1 Sequence Containers 
6.2.2 Associative Containers 
6.2.3 Unordered Containers 
6.2.4 AssociativeArrays 
6.2.5 Other Containers 
6.2.6 Container Adapters 
6.3 Iterators 
6.3.1 Further Examples of Using Associative and Unordered
6.3.2 IteratorCategories 
6.4 Algorithms 
6.4.1 Ranges 
6.4.2 Handling Multiple Ranges 
6.5 IteratorAdapters 
6.5.1 Insert Iterators 
6.5.2 StreamIterators 
6.5.3 Reverse Iterators 
6.5.4 Move Iterators 
6.6 User-Defined Generic Functions 
6.7 Manipulating Algorithms 
6.7.1 “Removing” Elements 
6.7.2 Manipulating Associative and Unordered Containers 
6.7.3 Algorithms versus Member Functions 
6.8 Functions as Algorithm Arguments 
6.8.1 Using Functions as Algorithm Arguments 
6.8.2 Predicates 
6.9 UsingLambdas 
6.10 Function Objects 
6.10.1 Definition of Function Objects 
6.10.2 Predefined Function Objects 
6.10.3 Binders 
6.10.4 Function Objects and Binders versus Lambdas 
6.11 Container Elements 
6.11.1 Requirements for Container Elements 
6.11.2 Value Semantics or Reference Semantics 
6.12 Errors and Exceptions inside the STL 
6.12.1 Error Handling 
6.12.2 Exception Handling 
6.13 Extending the STL 
6.13.1 Integrating Additional Types 
6.13.2 Deriving from STL Types 

7 STL Containers 
7.1 Common Container Abilities and Operations 
7.1.1 Container Abilities 
7.1.2 Container Operations 
7.1.3 Container Types 
7.2 Arrays 
7.2.1 Abilities of Arrays 
7.2.2 Array Operations 
7.2.3 Using arrays as C-Style Arrays 
7.2.4 Exception Handling 
7.2.5 Tuple Interface 
7.2.6 ExamplesofUsingArrays 
7.3 Vectors 
7.3.1 Abilities of Vectors 
7.3.2 Vector Operations 
7.3.3 Using Vectors as C-Style Arrays 
7.3.4 Exception Handling 
7.3.5 ExamplesofUsingVectors 
7.3.6 Class vector 
7.4 Deques 
7.4.1 Abilities of Deques 
7.4.2 Deque Operations 
7.4.3 Exception Handling 
7.4.4 ExamplesofUsingDeques 
7.5 Lists 
7.5.1 Abilities of Lists 
7.5.2 List Operations 
7.5.3 Exception Handling 
7.5.4 ExamplesofUsingLists 
7.6 ForwardLists 
7.6.1 Abilities of Forward Lists 
7.6.2 Forward List Operations 
7.6.3 Exception Handling 
7.6.4 ExamplesofUsingForwardLists 
7.7 Sets and Multisets 
7.7.1 Abilities of Sets and Multisets 
7.7.2 Set and Multiset Operations 
7.7.3 Exception Handling 
7.7.4 Examples of Using Sets and Multisets 
7.7.5 Example of Specifying the Sorting Criterion at
7.8 Maps and Multimaps 
7.8.1 Abilities of Maps and Multimaps 
7.8.2 Map and Multimap Operations 
7.8.3 UsingMaps asAssociativeArrays 
7.8.4 Exception Handling 
7.8.5 Examples of Using Maps and Multimaps 
7.8.6 Example with Maps, Strings, and Sorting Criterion at
7.9 Unordered Containers 
7.9.1 Abilities of Unordered Containers 
7.9.2 Creating and Controlling Unordered Containers 
7.9.3 Other Operations for Unordered Containers 
7.9.4 TheBucket Interface 
7.9.5 UsingUnorderedMaps asAssociativeArrays 
7.9.6 Exception Handling 
7.9.7 Examples of Using Unordered Containers 
7.10 Other STL Containers 
7.10.1 Strings as STL Containers 
7.10.2 Ordinary C-Style Arrays as STL Containers 
7.11 Implementing Reference Semantics 
7.12 When to Use Which Container 

8 STL Container Members in Detail 
8.1 Type Definitions 
8.2 Create, Copy, and Destroy Operations 
8.3 Nonmodifying Operations 
8.3.1 Size Operations 
8.3.2 Comparison Operations 
8.3.3 Nonmodifying Operations for Associative and Unordered
8.4 Assignments 
8.5 Direct Element Access 
8.6 Operations to Generate Iterators 
8.7 Inserting and Removing Elements 
8.7.1 Inserting Single Elements 
8.7.2 Inserting Multiple Elements 
8.7.3 Removing Elements 
8.7.4 Resizing 
8.8 Special Member Functions for Lists and Forward Lists 
8.8.1 Special Member Functions for Lists and Forward
8.8.2 Special Member Functions for Forward Lists Only 
8.9 Container Policy Interfaces 
8.9.1 Nonmodifying Policy Functions 
8.9.2 Modifying Policy Functions 
8.9.3 Bucket Interface for Unordered Containers 
8.10 Allocator Support 
8.10.1 Fundamental Allocator Members 
8.10.2 Constructors with Optional Allocator Parameters 

9 STL Iterators 
9.1 HeaderFiles for Iterators 
9.2 IteratorCategories 
9.2.1 Output Iterators 
9.2.2 Input Iterators 
9.2.3 ForwardIterators 
9.2.4 Bidirectional Iterators 
9.2.5 Random-Access Iterators 
9.2.6 The Increment and Decrement Problem of Vector
9.3 Auxiliary Iterator Functions 
9.3.1 advance 
9.3.2 next and prev 
9.3.3 distance 
9.3.4 iter_swap 
9.4 IteratorAdapters 
9.4.1 Reverse Iterators 
9.4.2 Insert Iterators 
9.4.3 StreamIterators 
9.4.4 Move Iterators 
9.5 IteratorTraits 
9.5.1 Writing Generic Functions for Iterators 
9.6 Writing User-Defined Iterators 

10 STL Function Objects and Using Lambdas 
10.1 The Concept of Function Objects 
10.1.1 Function Objects as Sorting Criteria 
10.1.2 Function Objects with Internal State 
10.1.3 The Return Value of for_each 
10.1.4 Predicates versus Function Objects 
10.2 Predefined Function Objects and Binders 
10.2.1 Predefined Function Objects 
10.2.2 Function Adapters and Binders 
10.2.3 User-Defined Function Objects for Function Adapters 
10.2.4 Deprecated Function Adapters 
10.3 UsingLambdas 
10.3.1 Lambdas versus Binders 
10.3.2 Lambdas versus Stateful Function Objects 
10.3.3 Lambdas Calling Global and Member Functions 
10.3.4 Lambdas as Hash Function, Sorting, or Equivalence

11 STL Algorithms 
11.1 Algorithm Header Files 
11.2 Algorithm Overview 
11.2.1 A Brief Introduction 
11.2.2 Classification of Algorithms 
11.3 Auxiliary Functions 
11.4 The for_each Algorithm 
11.5 Nonmodifying Algorithms 
11.5.1 Counting Elements 
11.5.2 Minimum and Maximum 
11.5.3 Searching Elements 
11.5.4 ComparingRanges 
11.5.5 Predicates forRanges 
11.6 Modifying Algorithms 
11.6.1 Copying Elements 
11.6.2 Moving Elements 
11.6.3 Transforming and Combining Elements 
11.6.4 Swapping Elements 
11.6.5 Assigning New Values 
11.6.6 ReplacingElements 
11.7 Removing Algorithms 
11.7.1 Removing Certain Values 
11.7.2 Removing Duplicates 
11.8 Mutating Algorithms 
11.8.1 ReversingtheOrderofElements 
11.8.2 Rotating Elements 
11.8.3 Permuting Elements 
11.8.4 ShufflingElements 
11.8.5 Moving Elements to the Front 
11.8.6 Partition into Two Subranges 
11.9 Sorting Algorithms 
11.9.1 Sorting All Elements 
11.9.2 Partial Sorting 
11.9.3 Sorting According to the nthElement 
11.9.4 Heap Algorithms 
11.10 Sorted-Range Algorithms 
11.10.1 Searching Elements 
11.10.2 Merging Elements 
11.11 Numeric Algorithms 
11.11.1 Processing Results 
11.11.2 Converting Relative and Absolute Values 

12 Special Containers 
12.1 Stacks 
12.1.1 TheCore Interface 
12.1.2 ExampleofUsingStacks 
12.1.3 AUser-DefinedStackClass 
12.1.4 Class stack inDetail 
12.2 Queues 
12.2.1 TheCore Interface 
12.2.2 ExampleofUsingQueues 
12.2.3 AUser-DefinedQueueClass 
12.2.4 Class queue inDetail 
12.3 PriorityQueues 
12.3.1 TheCore Interface 
12.3.2 ExampleofUsingPriorityQueues 
12.3.3 Class priority_queue inDetail 
12.4 Container Adapters in Detail 
12.4.1 Type Definitions 
12.4.2 Constructors 
12.4.3 Supplementary Constructors for Priority Queues 
12.4.4 Operations 
12.5 Bitsets 
12.5.1 ExamplesofUsingBitsets 
12.5.2 Class bitset inDetail 

13 Strings 
13.1 Purposeof theStringClasses 
13.1.1 A First Example: Extracting a Temporary Filename 
13.1.2 A Second Example: Extracting Words and Printing Them
13.2 Description of the String Classes 
13.2.1 StringTypes 
13.2.2 Operation Overview 
13.2.3 Constructors andDestructor 
13.2.4 Strings and C-Strings 
13.2.5 Size andCapacity 
13.2.6 Element Access 
13.2.7 Comparisons 
13.2.8 Modifiers 
13.2.9 Substrings and String Concatenation 
13.2.10 InputOutput Operators 
13.2.11 Searching and Finding 
13.2.12 The Value npos 
13.2.13 Numeric Conversions 
13.2.14 Iterator Support for Strings 
13.2.15 Internationalization 
13.2.16 Performance 
13.2.17 Strings and Vectors 
13.3 StringClass inDetail 
13.3.1 Type Definitions and Static Values 
13.3.2 Create, Copy, and Destroy Operations 
13.3.3 Operations for Size and Capacity 
13.3.4 Comparisons 
13.3.5 Character Access 
13.3.6 Generating C-Strings and Character Arrays 
13.3.7 Modifying Operations 
13.3.8 Searching and Finding 
13.3.9 Substrings and String Concatenation 
13.3.10 InputOutput Functions 
13.3.11 Numeric Conversions 
13.3.12 Generating Iterators 
13.3.13 Allocator Support 

14 Regular Expressions 
14.1 TheRegexMatch andSearchInterface 
14.2 Dealing with Subexpressions 
14.3 Regex Iterators 
14.4 RegexToken Iterators 
14.5 Replacing Regular Expressions 
14.6 RegexFlags 
14.7 Regex Exceptions 
14.8 TheRegexECMAScriptGrammar 
14.9 OtherGrammars 
14.10 Basic Regex Signatures in Detail 

15 InputOutput Using Stream Classes 
15.1 Common Background of IO Streams 
15.1.1 StreamObjects 
15.1.2 StreamClasses 
15.1.3 Global Stream Objects 
15.1.4 StreamOperators 
15.1.5 Manipulators 
15.1.6 ASimpleExample 
15.2 Fundamental Stream Classes and Objects 
15.2.1 Classes andClassHierarchy 
15.2.2 Global Stream Objects 
15.2.3 HeaderFiles 
15.3 Standard Stream Operators and  
15.3.1 Output Operator  
15.3.2 Input Operator  
15.3.3 InputOutput of Special Types 
15.4 StateofStreams 
15.4.1 Constants for theStateofStreams 
15.4.2 Member Functions Accessing the State of Streams 
15.4.3 Stream State and Boolean Conditions 
15.4.4 Stream State and Exceptions 
15.5 Standard InputOutput Functions 
15.5.1 Member Functions for Input 
15.5.2 Member Functions for Output 
15.5.3 ExampleUses 
15.5.4 sentryObjects 
15.6 Manipulators 
15.6.1 Overview of All Manipulators 
15.6.2 How Manipulators Work 
15.6.3 User-Defined Manipulators 
15.7 Formatting 
15.7.1 FormatFlags 
15.7.2 InputOutput Format of Boolean Values 
15.7.3 Field Width, Fill Character, and Adjustment 
15.7.4 PositiveSignandUppercaseLetters 
15.7.5 NumericBase 
15.7.6 Floating-Point Notation 
15.7.7 General Formatting Definitions 
15.8 Internationalization 
15.9 File Access 
15.9.1 FileStreamClasses 
15.9.2 Rvalue and Move Semantics for File Streams 
15.9.3 FileFlags 
15.9.4 Random Access 
15.9.5 Using File Descriptors 
15.10 Stream Classes for Strings 
15.10.1 StringStreamClasses 
15.10.2 Move Semantics for String Streams 
15.10.3 char*StreamClasses 
15.11 InputOutput Operators for User-Defined Types 
15.11.1 Implementing Output Operators 
15.11.2 Implementing Input Operators 
15.11.3 InputOutput Using Auxiliary Functions 
15.11.4 User-DefinedFormatFlags 
15.11.5 Conventions for User-Defined InputOutput Operators 
15.12 Connecting Input and Output Streams 
15.12.1 Loose Coupling Using tie 
15.12.2 Tight Coupling Using Stream Buffers 
15.12.3 Redirecting Standard Streams 
15.12.4 Streams for Reading and Writing 
15.13 TheStreamBufferClasses 
15.13.1 The Stream Buffer Interfaces 
15.13.2 StreamBuffer Iterators 
15.13.3 User-DefinedStreamBuffers 
15.14 Performance Issues 
15.14.1 Synchronization with C’s Standard Streams 
15.14.2 BufferinginStreamBuffers 
15.14.3 UsingStreamBuffersDirectly 

16 Internationalization 
16.1 Character Encodings and Character Sets 
16.1.1 Multibyte and Wide-Character Text 
16.1.2 DifferentCharacterSets 
16.1.3 Dealing with Character Sets in C++ 
16.1.4 CharacterTraits 
16.1.5 Internationalization of Special Characters 
16.2 TheConceptofLocales 
16.2.1 UsingLocales 
16.2.2 Locale Facets 
16.3 Locales inDetail 
16.4 Facets in Detail 
16.4.1 Numeric Formatting 
16.4.2 Monetary Formatting 
16.4.3 Time and Date Formatting 
16.4.4 Character Classification and Conversion 
16.4.5 String Collation 
16.4.6 Internationalized Messages 

17 Numerics 
17.1 Random Numbers and Distributions 
17.1.1 AFirstExample 
17.1.2 Engines 
17.1.3 Engines in Detail 
17.1.4 Distributions 
17.1.5 Distributions in Detail 
17.2 ComplexNumbers 
17.2.1 Class complex inGeneral 
17.2.2 Examples Using Class complex 
17.2.3 Operations for Complex Numbers 
17.2.4 Class complex inDetail 
17.3 Global Numeric Functions 
17.4 Valarrays 

18 Concurrency 
18.1 The High-Level Interface: async and Futures 
18.1.1 A First Example Using async and Futures 
18.1.2 An Example of Waiting for Two Tasks 
18.1.3 Shared Futures 
18.2 The Low-Level Interface: Threads and Promises 
18.2.1 Class std::thread 
18.2.2 Promises 
18.2.3 Class packaged_task 
18.3 Starting a Thread in Detail 
18.3.1 async inDetail 
18.3.2 Futures in Detail 
18.3.3 Shared Futures in Detail 
18.3.4 Class std::promise inDetail 
18.3.5 Class std::packaged_task inDetail 
18.3.6 Class std::thread inDetail 
18.3.7 Namespace this_thread 
18.4 Synchronizing Threads, or the Problem of Concurrency 
18.4.1 BewareofConcurrency! 
18.4.2 The Reason for the Problem of Concurrent Data Access 
18.4.3 What Exactly Can Go Wrong the Extent of the
18.4.4 The Features to Solve the Problems 
18.5 Mutexes andLocks 
18.5.1 UsingMutexes andLocks 
18.5.2 Mutexes andLocks inDetail 
18.5.3 Calling Once for Multiple Threads 
18.6 Condition Variables 
18.6.1 Purpose of Condition Variables 
18.6.2 A First Complete Example for Condition Variables 
18.6.3 Using Condition Variables to Implement a Queue for
Multiple Threads 
18.6.4 Condition Variables in Detail 
18.7 Atomics 
18.7.1 ExampleofUsingAtomics 
18.7.2 Atomics and Their High-Level Interface in Detail 
18.7.3 The C-Style Interface of Atomics 
18.7.4 TheLow-Level InterfaceofAtomics 

19 Allocators 
19.1 Using Allocators as an Application Programmer 
19.2 AUser-DefinedAllocator 
19.3 UsingAllocators as aLibraryProgrammer 

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