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書城自編碼: 2082014
作者: [美]阿姆斯特朗
國際書號(ISBN): 9787560552491
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
出版日期: 2013-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 413/536000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 198.8



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STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program
Chapter 1 What You Need to Know About the AP U.S. History
Background of the Advanced Placement Program
Questions Frequently Asked About the AP U.S. History
Chapter 2 How to Plan Your Time
Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP U.S. History
Calendar for Each Plan

STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness
Chapter 3 Take a Diagnostic Exam
How and When to Use the Diagnostic Exam
Conclusion After the Exam
Getting Started: The DiagnosticMaster Exam
Answers to DiagnosticMaster Exam

STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success
Chapter 4 How to Approach Each Question Type
Multiple-Choice Questions
Document-Based Essay Questions
Free-Response Essay Questions
Reading and Interpreting Primary Source Documents
Analyzing Primary Source Documents

STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High
Chapter 5 The Settling of the Western Hemisphere and
Colonial America 1450–1650
Native Americans and European Exploration
The French in Canada
The English in the Americas
Effects of English, French, and British Settlement
Chapter Review
Chapter 6 The British Empire in America: Growth and Con? ict
The Impact of Mercantilism
African Slavery in the Americas
Continued Unrest in New England
The Salem Witch Trials
Wars in Europe and Their Impact on the Colonies
The Growth of the Colonial Assemblies
The Era of “Salutary Neglect”
The Great Awakening
Chapter Review
Chapter 7 Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolution
Problems on the Frontier
Additional Con?icts Between the British and Their Colonial
The Policies of George Grenville
A Sense of Crisis: The Stamp Act
More Protest: The Townshend Acts
Continued Tension in Massachusetts
The Calm Before the Storm: 1770–1773
The Boston Tea Party
The Intolerable Acts
The First Continental Congress
Chapter Review
Chapter 8 The American Revolution and the New Nation
The American Revolution
The Second Continental Congress
The Declaration of Independence
The Outbreak of the Revolution: Divisions in the
Strategies of the American Revolution
Washington as Commander
The War Moves to the South
The Treaty of Paris
The Establishment of Governmental Structures in the New
The Articles of Confederation
The Northwest Ordinances
Shays’s Rebellion
Chapter Review
Chapter 9 The Establishment of New Political Systems
Desire for a Stronger Central Government
Government Under the New Constitution
The Issue of Slavery
Rati?cation of the Constitution
The Presidency of George Washington
The Bill of Rights
Competing Visions: Alexander Hamilton and Thomas
The French Revolution
Foreign Policy and Jay’s Treaty
Washington’s Farewell Address
The Presidency of John Adams
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Chapter Review
Chapter 10 The Jeffersonian Revolution 1800–1820
The Election of 1800
Reform of the Courts
Westward Expansion
Political Tensions and the Strange Case of Aaron Burr
European Wars Spill Over to America Again
The War of 1812
The American System
The Missouri Compromise
Chapter Review
Chapter 11 The Rise of Manufacturing and the Age of Jackson
The Growth of the Factory
The Monroe Doctrine
Policy Toward Native Americans
The Second Great Awakening
Political Reform: The Jacksonian Era 1829–1841
The Election of 1824
The 1828 Presidential Election
Jackson as President
The Nulli?cation Controversy
The Bank Crisis
The Whig Party: A Challenge to the
Chapter Review
Chapter 12 The Union Expanded and Challenged
The Ideology of Manifest Destiny
“Remember the Alamo!”
The Pivotal Election of 1844
War with Mexico
Political Challenges of the 1850s
Effects of the Compromise of 1850
The Presidency of Franklin Pierce
The Return of Sectional Con?ict
“Bleeding Kansas”: Slave or Free?
The Dred Scott Decision
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
John Brown’s Raid
The Presidential Election of 1860
Chapter Review
Chapter 13 The Union Divided: The Civil War
Advantages of the North and South in the War
The Attack on Fort Sumter and the Beginning of the War
War Aims and Strategies
Developments in the South and in the North
The Emancipation Proclamation
1863: The War Tips to the North
War Weariness in the North and South
The End of the Confederacy
Chapter Review
Chapter 14 The Era of Reconstruction 1865–1877
Lincoln’s Plans for Reconstruction
Andrew Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction
The Reconstruction Programs of the Radical Republicans
A Period of Radical Reconstruction
The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Radical Reconstruction Reinforced
The End of Reconstruction
Chapter Review
Chapter 15 Western Expansion and Its Impact on the American
Character 1860–1895
Federal Legislation Encourages Western Settlement
Farming on the Great Plains
The Transformation of Agriculture on the Plains
Women and Minorities on the Plains
Mining and Lumbering in the West
Ranching in the West
The Plight of Native Americans
The Organization of the American Farmer and Populism
The Impact of the West on American Society
Chapter Review
Chapter 16 America Transformed into the Industrial Giant of the
World 1870–1910
The Growth of Industrial America
The Changing Nature of American Industry
The Consolidation of Businesses
The Growth of Labor Unions
An Improved Standard of Living?
The Impact of Immigration on American Society
The Transformation of the American City
Politics of the Gilded Age
Cultural Life in the Gilded Age
Chapter Review
Chapter 17 The Rise of American Imperialism
A Period of Foreign Policy Inaction
A Sign of Things to Come: Hawaii
The 1890s: Reasons for American Imperialism
The Spanish-American War
The Role of America: Protector or Oppressor?
The Debate Over the Philippines
Connecting the Paci?c and the Atlantic: The Panama
The Roosevelt Corollary
Chapter Review
Chapter 18 The Progressive Era 1895–1914
The Origins of Progressivism
The Goals of Progressives
Urban Reforms
The Progressives at the State Level
Women and Progressivism
Reforming the Workplace
The Square Deal of Theodore Roosevelt
Progressivism Under William Howard Taft
The 1912 Presidential Election
The Progressive Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
Did Progressivism Succeed?
Chapter Review
Chapter 19 The United States and World War I
The American Response to the Outbreak of War
Increasing American Support for the Allied Powers
America Moves Toward War
America Enters the War
The Impact of the American Expeditionary Force
The Home Front During World War I
Keeping America Patriotic
Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles
The United States and the Middle East
The Treaty of Versailles and the United States Senate
The Consequences of American Actions After the War
Chapter Review
Chapter 20 The Beginning of Modern America: The 1920s
Chapter 21 The Great Depression and the New Deal
Chapter 22 World War II 1933–1945
Chapter 23 The Origins of the Cold War 1945–1960
Chapter 24 Prosperity and Anxiety: The 1950s
Chapter 25 America in an Era of Turmoil 1960–1975
Chapter 26 Decline and Rebirth 1968–1988
Chapter 27 Prosperity and a New World Order
Chapter 28 The Threat of Terrorism, the Increase of Presidential
Power, and Potential Economic Disasters 2001–2010
Chapter 29 Contemporary America: Evaluating the “Big

STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence
AP U.S. History Practice Exam 1
AP U.S. History Practice Exam 2
AP项目(Advanced Placement Program)始于1955年,由美国大学理事会(the College

进入大学后,可以获得大学学分,免修同类课程,提早选修更高级的课程或跳级。3. 提前毕业。4.







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