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書城自編碼: 2400025
作者: 李莉文,穆杨,邱枫,张在新
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513544283
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2014-05-01

頁數/字數: 280/361
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 103.7



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HK$ 173.9
PartI Creative Thinking and Prewriting 创新思维与写前构思
Unit1 Creative Thinking 创新思维
 I What Is Creative Thinking? 什么是创新思维
 II Perceptual Blocks to Creativity 思维认知定式
Stereotyping 老套陈规
Self-Imposed Limits 自我限制
Saturation 信息饱和
 III Creative Strategies 创意策略
Brainstorming 大脑风暴
Means-Ends Analysis 方法一目标分析
Left-Brain and Right-Brain 左右脑
Changing the Entry Point 切入点变换
The Reversal Method 逆向思维
 IV Characteristics of Creative Thinking 创新思维特点
Lateral Thinking VS.Vertical Thinking 横向思维与纵向思维
A Questioning Attitude 疑问态度
Associative Powers 联想力
Fluency,Flexibility,and Originality 流畅性、多样性、独特性
 Assignment:Creative Strategy Report
Unit2 Prewriting 写前构思
What Prewriting Is Not 非写前构思
What Prewriting Is 写前构思
Prewriting Techniques 写前构思技巧
 Assignment:Prewriting Exercise
PartII Writing with Concrete Details for a Specific Audience 细节写作与特定读者
Unit3 Show More than Tell 细节展开
 I What Is“Show More than Tell”? 什么是细节展开
 II The RENNs Model RENNS 模型
Unit4 Narration and Description 记叙与描述
 Assignment:Narrative or Descriptive Essay
 I Narration 记叙
Exploring Past Experiences for Writing 记叙个人经历
Narrative Techniques 记叙文技巧
 II Description 描述
Description and Sensory Details 感官词描述
Figurative Language 修辞语言
Describing a Person 人物描述
Describing a Place 场景描述
Unit5 Addressing the Audience and How-to Process Essay 读者意识与指示过程文
 Assignment:How-to Process Essay
 I Addressing the Audience 读者意识
General Overview 总括
Tips That Apply to All Audiences 读者意识小贴士
Audience Analysis 读者分析
 II How-to Process Essay 指示过程文
Informative Process VS.Directive Process 推介性过程与指示性过程
What Our How-to Process Essay Assignment Is Not 非指示过程文
What Our How-to Process Essay Assignment Is 指示过程文
Elements of a Good How-to Process Essay 写好指示过程文的要素
PartIII Central Idea and Modes of Development 中心思想与扩展形式
Unit6 Thesis Statement, Introduction and Conclusion 篇题句、开头和结尾
 I Thesis Statement 篇题句
What a Thesis Statement Is 什么是篇题句
What a Good Thesis Statement Is 写好篇题句
Strategies That Help to Shape Your Essay扣题策略
 II Introduction and Conclusion 开头与结尾
Elements of a Good Introduction 开头要素
Strategies for an Effective Introduction 开头攻略
Unit7 Topic Sentence Paragraph 主题句段落
What a Topic Sentence Is 什么是主题句
Controlling Idea of a Topic Sentence 主题句要点
Structure of a Topic Sentence Paragraph 主题句段落结构
Function Paragraph 功能段落
Modes of Development for a Topic Sentence Paragraph主题句扩展形式
Unit8 Modes of Development for a Thesis 篇题句扩展形式
 I Cause and Effect 因果关系
what Is Cause and Effect? 什么是因果关系
 Assignment:ProblemSolution Essay
What Is a ProblemSolution Essay? 什么是问题探究文
 II Division and Classification,Definition 归类、定义
 Assignment:Division and Classification or Definition Essay
Division and Classification 归类
Definition 定义
 III Comparison and Contras t对比
Evaluation Essay 对比评估文
 Assignment:Evaluation Essay
Organizational Patterns for Evaluation 对比评估文的组织形式
Unit9 Revising 作文修改
Revising Modifiers 限定词修改
Revising Unclear Pronoun Reference 代词指代不清修改
Revising Wordiness 赘句修改
Revising Clichés 俗语修改
Sentence Variety 句式变化
Sentence Combining 句子组合
Transitions 过渡衔接
PartIV Critical Thinking and Argumentation 批判思维与议论文
Unit10 Fallacies in Argumentation I 议论文中的逻辑陷阱I
 I Logos,Ethos,Pathos,and Needs 理性特质、精神特质、情感特质与需求
Logos,Ethos,and Pathos 理性特质、精神特质与情感特质
Needs Analysis 需求分析
 II Fallacies About People 人事逻辑陷阱
 III Fallacies About Arguments 论点逻辑陷阱
Unit11 Fallacies in Argumentation II 议论文中的逻辑陷阱II
 I Fallacies About Analogy 类比逻辑陷阱
Illustrative Analogy vs.Faulty Analogy 示意类比与不当类比
 II Fallacies in Deduction and Induction 演绎与归纳逻辑陷阱
Deduction and Induction 演绎与归纳
 III Statistics and Ambiguities 数据和模糊逻辑陷阱
Unit12 Claims 论题
 I A Claim of Fact 事实论题
 Assignment:Claim-of-Fact Essay
 II A Claim of value 价值论题
 Assignment:Claim-of-Value Essay
 III A Claim of Policy 政策论题
 Assignment:Claim-of-Policy Essay
 Appendix I:Creative Thinking and Prewriting Checklist
 Appendix II:Word Bank of the Five Senses
 Appendix III:Writing Process Strategies
 Appendix IV:Essay Writing Checklist
 APpendix V:Topics for Argumentative Essays
 Appendix VI:Standards for Evaluating Argumentative Essays
 Appendix VII:Sample of the MLA Style of In-Text Documentation and Bibliography
Key to the Exercises



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