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書城自編碼: 2923616
作者: [美国]埃德温·埃尔德曼 主编 尹吴娅琪
國際書號(ISBN): 9787554607886
出版社: 古吴轩出版社
出版日期: 2016-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 244/100000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 55.2



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埃德温埃尔德曼(Edwin Alderman, 1861-1931),美国著名教育家、教育改革家。他曾担任弗吉尼亚大学校长长达25年之久,并在美国教育改革期间,为中小学生精编了这一套美国语文教材。

因毕生致力于教育改革,是美国进步时代(Progressive Era)的标志性人物,埃德温埃尔德曼去世的时候,美国总统胡佛发来悼词,表示遗憾。普策利奖得主杜马斯马龙(Dumas Malone)曾为埃德温埃尔德曼撰写传记。
Chapter 1Stories |故事

The Lord Helpeth Man and Beast |上帝保佑万物
The Stone-Cutter |切石匠变形记
The Minnows with Silver Tails |银尾鲦鱼
The Foolish Little Air-Current1 |无知的小气流(1)
The Foolish Little Air-Current2 |无知的小气流(2)
The Loyal Knight |忠实的骑士

Chapter 2Nature Scene |自然风光

The Great Pyramid |宏伟的金字塔
Dog-Sleighing in the North |北极的狗拉雪橇
A Departure from Cairo |从开罗出发的旅程
Tharalds Otter |哈拉尔德的水獭
A Pair of Eagles |一对秃鹰
A Journey in Brazil |巴西之旅
Hunting the Cougar in Mississippi |在密西西比狩猎美洲豹
A Tradition of Weatherford |韦瑟福德的传说
Two Minutes |两分钟

Chapter 3Miscellaneous Poems.|.杂诗

Queen Mab |麦布女王
The Flower |花
Lucy |露西
The Eagle |鹰
The Kitten and the Falling Leaves |小猫与落叶
Patriotism |爱国主义
Beauty |美
Incident of the French Camp |法国军营事件
Lochinvar |洛金伐尔
Fame |名声

Chapter 4History.|.历史

Elizabeth Zane |伊丽莎白赞恩
The Capture of Quebec |魁北克陷落
Rescue of the Crew of the Merrimac |解救梅里麦克号船员
At Lucerne |卢塞恩游记
How I Found Livingstone |寻找利文斯敦
How Franklin Learned to Write |富兰克林是怎么学写作的
Longfellow |朗费罗
Saluting Mount Vernon |致敬弗农山庄

Scott and His Home |司各特和他的家园
The Coronation of the Czar and the Czarina |沙皇和皇后的加冕

Chapter 5Stories of Children.|.孩子们的故事

A Poet at Home |一位居于家中的诗人
A Second Trial |再试一次的机会
Playing Theater at River Mouth |河口剧院
American Salmon |美国鲑鱼
A New England Boyhood |在新英格兰度过的少年时代
A War-Time Adventure |战时历险记
A Wolf-Hunt |猎狼记
On a Higher Level |升华
The Perfect Life |完美的人生
李江月 | 伊利诺斯大学PHD,湖北省高考作文满分获得者









曹海元 |MIT PHD




How Franklin Learned to Write

Mr. Matthew Adams, who had a pretty collection of books, andwho frequented our printing-house, took notice of me, invited me tohis library, and very kindly lent me such books as I chose to read. I nowtook a fancy to poetry, and made some little pieces; my brother, thinkingit might turn to account, encouraged me, and put me on composingoccasional ballads.
One was called The Lighthouse Tragedy, and contained an accountof the drowning of Captain Worthilake, with his two daughters. The otherwas a sailors song, on the taking of Teach or Blackbeard the pirate.
They were wretched stuff, in the Grub-street-ballad style; and whenthey were printed he sent me about the town to sell them. The first soldwonderfully, the event being recent, having made a great noise.
This flattered my vanity; but my father discouraged me by ridiculingmy performances, and telling me verse-makers were generally beggars. SoI escaped being a poet, most probably a very bad one; but as prose writinghad been of great use to me in the course of my life, and was a principalmeans of my advancement, I shall tell you how, in such a situation, Iacquired what little ability I have in that way.
About this time I met with an odd volume of the Spectator. It wasthe third. I had never before seen any of them. I bought it, read it overand over, and was much delighted with it. I thought the writing excellent,and wished, if possible, to imitate it.
With this view I took some of the papers, and making short hints ofthe sentiment in each entence, laid them by a few days. Then, withoutlooking at the book, I tried to complete the papers again, by expressingeach hinted sentiment at length, and as fully as it had been expressedbefore, in any suitable words that should come to hand. Then I comparedmy Spectator with the original, discovered some of my faults, andcorrected them.
But I found I wanted a stock of words, or a readiness in recollectingand using them. This I thought I should have acquired before that time ifI had gone on making verses.
In verse the continual occasion for words of the same value, but ofdifferent length, to suit the measure, or of different sound for the rhyme,would have laid me under a constant necessity of searching for variety.
Verse would also have tended to fix variety in my mind, and make memaster of it.
Therefore I took some of the tales and turned them into verse. After atime, when I had pretty well forgotten the prose, I turned them into proseagain.
I also sometimes jumbled my collections of hints into confusion, andafter some weeks endeavored to reduce them into the best order, beforeI began to form the full sentences and complete the paper. This was toteach me method in the arrangement of thoughts.
By comparing my work afterwards with the original, I discoveredmany faults and amended them; but I sometimes had the pleasure offancying that, in certain particulars of small import, I had been luckyenough to improve the method or the language, and this encouraged meto think I might possibly in time come to be a tolerable English writer.
Benjamin Franklin



A Second Trial

It was commencement at one of our colleges. The people were pouring into the church as I entered it, rather tardy. Finding the choice seats in the center of the audience-room already taken, I pressed forward, looking to the right and to the left for a vacancy. On the very front row ofseats I found one.
Here a little girl moved along to make room for me, looking into my face with large gray eyes, whose brightness was softened by very long lashes. Her face was open and fresh as a newly blown rose before sunrise.
Again and again I found my eyes turning to the rose-like face, and each time the gray eyes moved half-smiling to meet mine. Evidently the child was ready to make up with me. And when, with a bright smile she returned my dropped handkerchief, and I said Thank you. We seemedfairly introduced.
Other persons now coming into the seat, crowded me quite close up against the little girl, so that we soon felt very well acquainted.
Theres going to be a great crowd, she said to me.
Yes, I replied. People always like to see how schoolboys are made into men.
Her face beamed with pleasure and pride as she said, My brothers going to graduate; hes going to speak; Ive brought these flowers to throw to him.
They were not greenhouse favorites; just old-fashioned domestic flowers, such as we associate with the dear grandmother. But, I thought, they will seem sweet and beautiful to him for little sisters sake.
That is my brother, she went on, pointing with her nosegay.
The one with the light hair? I asked.
Oh, no, she said, smiling and shaking her head in innocent reproof, not that homely one; that handsome one with brown wavy hair. His eyes look brown, too; but they are not-they are dark-blue. There! Hes got his hand up to his head now. You see him, dont you?
In an eager way she looked from me to him, and from him to me, as if some important fate depended upon my recognizing her brother.
I see him, I said. Hes a very good-looking brother.
Yes, he is beautiful, she said, with artless delight. And hes so good, and he studies so hard. He has taken care of me ever since mamma died. Here is his name on the program. He is not the valedictorian, but he has an honor, for all that.
I saw in the little creatures familiarity with these college terms that she had closely identified herself with her brothers studies, hopes, and successes.
His oration is a good one, and he says it beautifully. He has said it to me a great many times. I almost know it by heart. Oh! It begins so pretty and so grand. This is the way it begins, she added, encouraged by the interest she must have seen in my face.Amid the permutationsand combinations of the actors and the forces which make up the great kaleidoscope of history, we often find that a turn of Destinys hand
Why, bless the baby! I thought, looking down into her bright proud face. I cant describe how very odd and elfish it did seem to have those big words rolling out of the smiling childish mouth.
As the exercises progressed, and approached nearer and nearer the effort on which all her interest was concentrated, my little friend became excited and restless. Her eyes grew larger and brighter, two deep-red spots glowed on her cheeks.
Now, its his turn, she said, turning to me a face in which pride and delight and anxiety seemed about equally mingled. But when the overture was played through, and his name was called, the child seemed, in her eagerness, to forget me and all the earth beside him. She rose to her feetand leaned forward for a better view of her beloved, as he mounted to the speakers stand.
I knew by her deep breathing that her heart was throbbing in her throat. I knew, too, by the way her brother came up the steps and to the front that he was trembling. The hands hung limp; his face was pallid, and the lips blue as with cold. I felt anxious. The child, too, seemed to discern that things were not well with him. Something like fear showed in her face.
He made an automatic bow. Then a bewildered, struggling look came into his face, then a helpless look, and then he stood staring vacantly, like one in a dream, at the waiting audience. The moments of painful suspense went by, and still he stood as if struck dumb. I saw how it was;he had been seized with stage-fright.
Alas! Little sister! She turned her large dismayed eyes upon me.
Hes forgotten it, she said. Then a swift change came into her face; a strong determined look; and on the funeral-like silence of the room broke the sweet, brave child-voice, Amid the permutations and combinations of the actors and the forces which make up the great kaleidoscope of history, we often find that a turn of Destinys hand
Everybody about us turned and looked. The breathless silence; the sweet, childish voice; the childish face; the long, unchildlike words, produced a weird effect.
But the help had come too late; the unhappy brother was already staggering in humiliation from the stage. The band quickly struck up, and waves of lively music rolled out to cover the defeat.
I gave the little sister a glance in which I meant to show the intense sympathy I felt; but she did not see me. Her eyes swimming with tears, were on her brothers face. I put my arm around her, but she was too absorbed to heed the caress, and before I could appreciate her purpose she was on her way to the shame-stricken young man sitting with a face like a statues.
When he saw her by his side the set face relaxed, and a quick mist came into his eyes. The young men got closer together to make room for her. She sat down beside him, laid her flowers on his knee, and slipped her hand into his.
I could not keep my eyes from her sweet pitying face. I saw her whisper to him, he bending a little to catch her words. Later, I found out that she was asking him if he knew his piece now, and that he answered Yes.
When the young man next on the list had spoken, and while the band was playing, the child, to the brothers great surprise, made her way up the stage steps, and pressed through the throng of professors and trustees and distinguished visitors, up to the college president.
If you please, sir, she said with a little courtesy, will you and the trustees let my brother try again? He knows his piece now.
For a moment the president stared at her through his gold-bowed spectacles, and then, appreciating the childs petition, he smiled on her, and went down and spoke to the young man that had failed.
So it happened that when the band had again ceased playing, it was briefly announced that Mr.would now deliver his orationHistorical Parallels.
A ripple of heightened and expectant interest passed over the audience, and then all sat stone still, as though fearing to breathe lest the speaker might again take fright. No danger. The hero in the youth was aroused. He went at his piece with a set purpose to conquer, to redeem
himself, and to bring the smile back into the childs tear-stained face. I watched the face during the speaking. The wide eyes, the parted lips, the whole rapt being said that the breathless audience was forgotten, that her spirit was moving with his.
And when the address was ended with the ardent abandon of one who catches enthusiasm in the realization that he is fighting down a wrong judgment and conquering a sympathy, the effect was really thrilling. That dignified audience broke into rapturous applause; bouquets intended for the valedictorian rained like a tempest. And the child, the child that had helped to save the daythat one beaming little face, in its pride and gladness, is something to be forever remembered.
Sarah Winter Kellogg




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