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七月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 3576169
作者: 李少白
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508544922
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2021-01-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 12开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 485.0



** 我創建的書架 **

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数学史(第三版) 国际数学史领域具有影响力的名著
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《 接纳真实的自我(日本超人气禅师小池龙之介力作!"与自己和解"指南!) 》

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《 敦煌及周边区域荒漠植物图鉴 》

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《 吴哥王朝兴亡史(方尖碑) 》

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《 夜幕之下.6:神祸降临 》

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《 叶锦添自传:向前迈进的日子(奥斯卡艺术指导获得者 叶锦添 50多年的人生经历,近40年的从业经历,向前迈进,步履不停) 》

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《 四十自述:中国现代传记文学的名篇代表之作(胡适回顾自己前四十年的成长轨迹与心路历程) 》

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立春 天地无私生万物 019
Beginning of Spring
雨水 天将化雨舒清景 029
Rain Water
惊蛰 一雷惊蛰始 037
Insects Awaken
春分 日月阴阳两均天 047
Spring Equinox
清明 梨花风起正053
Pure Brightness
谷雨 红紫妆林绿满地059
Grain Rain
立夏 夏木阴阴正可人069
Beginning of Summer
小满 绿满山原白满川 079
Lesser Fullness
芒种 香篆吐云生暖热 087
Grain in Ear
夏至 杨柳青青江水平 095
Summer Solstice
小署 窗下有清风 103
Slight Heat
Great Heat
立秋 一枕新凉一扇风 121
Beginning of autumn
处暑 露蝉声渐景初微 129
Limit of Heat
白露 蒹葭白露早纷纷 139
White Dew
秋分 风清露冷秋期半 145
Autumnal Equinox
寒露 川分远岳秋光静 153
Cold Dew
霜降 霜降春林花委地 159
First Frost
立冬 向寒轻冰渌水漫 165
Beginning of Winter
小雪 云暗初成霰点微 173
Light Snow
大雪 千树万树梨花开 183
Heavy Snow
冬至 冬至阳生春又来 189
White Solstice
小寒 深院萧条作小寒 199
Slight Cold
大寒 岁冬大寒百圣伏 205
Great Cold
我拍摄故宫有三十多年了。这期间,我带着相机几百次地进入故宫,三大殿、后三宫、东六宫、西六宫、御花园 ...... 凡是允许游人去的地方,我都一而再、再而三的到过,拍下了数以千计的有关这座伟大宫殿的照片,并且将其整理、编辑,出版了十余册图书和画册。
在反复进入故宫期间,我有了新的思路和想法:故宫是为中国皇帝所建的宫殿,为什么中国皇帝被称为天子呢?因为皇帝是老天的儿子,他的权利自然也是老天授予的, 是不可置疑的!因此,中国文化中的核心是天人合一!故宫的修建,也明显地体现了天人合一这一中国文化的核心。
故宫又称紫禁城,之所以有这个称呼,是因为古人把天空划分成若干区域,其中心就是北极星。北极星雄踞在天空之巅,又被称为 " 紫微星,其璀璨光彩,代表着坚韧和尊贵, 同样也象征了人间的帝王,于是上天之子在人间的住所便被为紫禁城。故宫被高大厚实 的城墙四面围住,除了重兵护卫的四座城门的与外界联系外,唯一不设防的地方就是它的上方天空。天子当然不能与天失去联系。因此即使贵为皇帝,他仍然要受制于天,而天能时时处处显示其存在的地方就是天象、气候、季节,日月星辰、阴晴昏晓、雨雪风霜。我们中国人将这一切都归纳为二十四节气。这是中国文化与其他民族、其他国家文化的不同之处。我们比其他国家和民族对天的存在、对天的作用、对天与人的关系,有更细致、更准确的认识,因此不像其他国家将天象的变化简单地划为四季,而是称为二十四节气。
在春秋战国时期,人们发现天象、天气变化的根本原因是天上不停运转的太阳所引起的。太阳发出的光,落在地上就会形成影子, 影子的长短就可以显示太阳位置的变化,于是人们用一根竹竿测量太阳影子长短的测量。影子最短的称为夏至,影子最长的称为冬至,其他气节则是由竹竿影子长短依次而定。

I have been photographing the Forbidden City for more than 30 years, having visited it hundreds of times, including the three main halls, the three rear palaces, the east six palaces, the west six palaces, and the Imperial Garden. Wherever visitors are allowed to go, I have been there again and again. I have taken thousands of photos of this magnificent palace complex, sorted them and published more than 10 books.
After so many visits, I had a new idea and focused on the fact that the Forbidden City is a palace complex built for many generations of Chinese emperors. The supreme ruler of China was also called the Son of Heaven. How did this come about? It is because the emperor was deemed to have been created by the heavenly deities and thus have enjoyed all the rights naturally granted by Heaven. Therefore, the core of Chinese culture has long focused on the unity of humanity and nature. The construction of the Forbidden City also clearly embodies the core of Chinese culture in displaying this same unity.
The Forbidden City got its name from the fact that the ancients divided the sky into several zones, the center of which stood Polaris. Standing on the top of the sky, it also known as Supreme Purple Star. Its bright luster represents tenacity and dignity, and also represents the emperor on the earth. Therefore, the residence of the Son of Heaven on Earth is called the Purple Forbidden City. This palace is surrounded by tall and extremely thick walls. It has four heavily guarded gates, and the only space left unguarded is the sky or Heaven. The emperor is the Son of Heaven but is still controlled by the Heaven that controls the climate, the seasons, the sun, the moon, stars, cloudy and sunny days, dusk and dawn, rain, snow, wind and frost. We Chinese distinguish these climatic aspects into the 24 Solar Terms. This is the difference between Chinese culture and others in the world. Compared with other cultures, we have a more detailed and accurate understanding of the existence and relationship between the sky and humans. Therefore, unlike other cultures, we do not simply divide the astronomical phenomenon into four simple seasons, but the 24 Solar Terms.
During the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period 770 BC-221 BC, it was found that the fundamental cause of changes in the sky and of the weather patterns were due to the sun that kept moving throughout the year. The light from the sun forms shadows when it reaches the ground. The length of the shadow can show the change in the sun''s position. So, people began to use a bamboo pole to measure the length of the sun''s shadow. The shortest shadow became the summer solstice, the longest the winter solstice, and other changes in season were determined by the length of the bamboo pole shadow in turn.
When I gained understanding of this, I went to the Forbidden City again with my camera, paying special attention to the 24 Solar Terms. Because the division of these terms is determined by the length of the sun''s projection on the ground, and the importance of sunlight is known to every photographer, in recognition that the change and combination of light and shadow become important means to determine whether a photo is successful or not.
I consciously arranged my time to go to the Forbidden City around the Winter Solstice. The reason was that, in this period of time, as long as it is sunny, the sun rises in the morning from the southeast, and sets in the evening from the southwest. The longest projection of the sun on the ground means that the incidence angle of the sun is the lowest. The buildings in the Forbidden City all face south. Therefore, only during the period around the winter solstice can the sunlight illuminate these fronts. Only during this period can the sunlight penetrate the interior of the buildings through the doors and windows at a low angle, and can we see and truly appreciate the furnishings and structures inside. On the contrary, in the period before and after the Summer Solstice, I will strive to climb the Wanchun Pavilion on the top of the Coal Hill Jingshan Hill just to the north of the Forbidden City, because, at this time, the morning sun rises from the northeast in the morning and sets from the northwest in the evening, that is to say, in this position, nearly 10,000 structures in the Forbidden City are best illuminated. In the sunshine, the countless roofs of the palaces there have layers of golden glass, which shine and glitter one after another, just like the waves in the golden ocean. This is an amazing spectacle of the Sea of Palaces!
There is also a solar term that makes the Forbidden City particularly fascinating Pure Brightness or the Qingming Festival [Tomb-Sweeping Day to venerate the ancestors in early spring]. Many are familiar with the line by the famous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty 618-907: The rain falls thick during the Qingming Festival. During that period, all kinds of flowers are blooming in the palace. Among them, the pear blossom in the Palace of Celestial Favor creates the most beautiful sense of reverie and sentimental attachment. It blooms quietly in the rain like a maiden. Bai Juyi''s poem, Song of Eternal Sorrow, has a line:
But her pale face was sad,
Tears filled her eyes,
Like a blossoming pear tree in spring,
With raindrops on its petals.
This always reminds one the lament in the sad and beautiful love story of Concubine Dong''e and Emperor Shunzhi [first ruler of the Qing Dynasty established in the 17th Century by the Manchu People] in the Palace of Celestial Favor.
With growing understanding of the 24 Solar Terms, I have new ideas and clues in ways to shoot scenes in the Forbidden City, making a new exploration and expression of the Chinese culture contained therein from different aspects and at different levels through visual language.
In order to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the completion of the Forbidden City, I have reached a consensus with China Intercontinental Press that we will publish an atlas of Chinese culture with the 24 Solar Terms as the main guide. It depicts the great palaces with a history of 600 years the Forbidden City of China.
Shaobai Li



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