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書城自編碼: 3762488
作者: 习近平
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119130941
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2022-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 100.0



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HK$ 150.0
为了推动广大干部群众学懂弄通做实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,为了帮助国际社会更好了解这一重要思想的主要内容, 编辑出版了《习近平谈治国理政》第四卷。本书收入了习近平总书记在2020年2月3日至2022年5月10日期间的重要著作,都是富有独创性、代表性、标志性的重要文献,是新时代中国共产党人坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的理论结晶,对坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装全党、把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习宣传贯彻引向深入具
The Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Information Office, with the support of the Research Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, and China International Publishing Group, have compiled a fourth volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China. This volume is designed to help officials and the public better understand and apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to impress upon them the decisive nature of the Two Affirmations, to strengthen their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds, and to guide them to forge ahead in unity and with greater resolve on a new journey in the new era. It is also intended that this volume will keep the international community abreast of the latest developments in President Xi’s thoughts, give them a better understanding of how the Chinese people have succeeded under CPC leadership and how they will continue to succeed in the future, and explain the development path that China has chosen and its approach to and theory of governance.
This volume contains a compilation of 109 of Xi Jinping’s spoken and written works from February 3, 2020 to May 10, 2022, along with 45 photographs taken since January 2020. It is divided into 21 sections by topic, with the articles in each section arranged in chronological order. For ease of reading, notes are provided at the end of relevant articles.
本书收入的是习近平在2020年2月3日至2022年5月10日期间的重要著作,共有讲话、谈话、演讲、致辞、指示、贺信等109篇。全书分为21个专题,每个专题内容按时间顺序编排。为了便于读者阅读,编辑时作了必要的注释,附在篇末。本书还收入习近平2020 年1月以来的图片45幅。
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
Speech at the Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist
Party of China
July 1, 2021 3
Explanation of the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the
Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the
Past Century
November 8, 2021 19
Adapt Marxism to China’s Realities and Keep It Up-to-Date
January 11, 2022 35
The Way Forward in the New Era
March 5, 2022 41
Overall CPC Leadership
Keep Matters of National Significance to the Fore
April 20, 2020-March 1, 2022 45
Strengthen Our Political Acumen, Understanding and Capacity to
December 24-25, 2020 49
Strengthen Overall CPC Leadership in Socialist Modernization
January 11, 2021 52
Reinforce Our Party’s Political Foundations for Unity and Solidarity
November 11, 2021 56
The People First
Always Put the People First
May 22, 2020 61
The People’s Support Is Our Top Political Priority
September 17, 2020 66
Earn and Keep the People’s Support in Consolidating Party Leadership
June 25 and September 14, 2021 73
The People’s Concerns Are My Concerns, and the People’s
Expectations Are My Goals
December 31, 2021 75
Our Party’s Mission Is to Serve the People
January 26, 2022 76
Confront Challenges Head-On
Keep Up the Fight to Achieve National Rejuvenation
September 3, 2020 81
Carry Forward the Spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid
Korea in the Great Historic Struggle
October 23, 2020 83
Fight for a Bright New Future
March 1, 2021 90
Be Prepared for the Great Struggle
November 11, 2021 92
Epidemic Response and Socio-Economic Development
Priorities in Epidemic Prevention and Control
February 3, 2020 99
Reinforce CPC Central Leadership over the Epidemic Response
February 23, 2020 103
Strengthen Covid-19 Control and Promote Economic and Social
February 23, 2020 106
Turn the Fighting Spirit Against Covid-19 into a Powerful Force for
National Rejuvenation
September 8, 2020 112
Respond to Covid-19 with a Dedicated Effort
March 17, 2022 124
Towards a Modern Socialist Country
Major Points on the Recommendations of the CPC Central Committee
for Formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social
Development and Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035
October 26, 2020 129
March Towards the Second Centenary Goal
October 29, 2020 136
Follow the Chinese Path to Modernization
October 29, 2020 141
Speech at the National Conference to Review the Fight Against Poverty
and Commend Outstanding Individuals and Groups
February 25, 2021 143
Make Solid Progress Towards Common Prosperity
August 17, 2021 164
New Development Stage, Philosophy and Dynamic
A Great Advance Towards National Rejuvenation
October 29, 2020 175
Create a New Development Dynamic and Sharpen the Competitive
October 29, 2020 178
Fully Understand the New Development Stage
January 11, 2021 186
Apply the New Development Philosophy in Full
January 11, 2021 192
Move Faster to Create a New Development Dynamic
January 11, 2021 200
High-Quality Development
Foster New Opportunities and Open Up New Horizons
May 23, 2020 209
Promote Integrated, High-Quality Development of the Yangtze River
August 20, 2020 212
Address Problems Related to Agriculture, Rural Areas and Rural People
in the New Development Stage
December 28, 2020 219
Strive for Greater Strength and Self-Reliance in Science and Technology
May 28, 2021 224
Expand and Strengthen the Digital Economy
October 18, 2021 234
Key Issues in the New Development Stage
December 8, 2021 241
Guide and Regulate the Capital Market
April 29, 2022 251
Further Reform and Opening Up
Focus All Reform Efforts on Creating a New Development Dynamic
September 1, 2020 259
Work Together to Boost Global Trade in Services
September 4, 2020 261
Raise Reform and Opening Up to a Higher Level
October 14 and November 12, 2020 264
Greater Breakthroughs for Reform in the New Development Stage
December 30, 2020 267
Let China’s Openness Benefit the World
November 4, 2021 270
Whole-Process People’s Democracy
Heighten the Sense of National Identity and Improve the Party’s Work
on Ethnic Affairs in the New Era
August 27, 2021 277
Uphold and Improve the People’s Congress System
October 13, 2021 285
Whole-Process People’s Democracy: The Most Extensive, Genuine and
Effective Socialist Democracy
October 13, 2021 297
Religions in China Should Conform to China’s Realities
December 3, 2021 302
Ensure Long-Term Multiparty Cooperation Led by the CPC
January 29, 2022 306
Follow the Chinese Path of Comprehensive Progress in Human Rights
February 25, 2022 308
Give of Your Best in National Rejuvenation
May 10, 2022 314
Socialist Rule of Law
Implement the Civil Code in Earnest
May 29, 2020 323
Provide Sound Legal Guarantees for Socialist Modernization
November 16, 2020 329
Develop the System of Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics
December 6, 2021 347

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