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書城自編碼: 3823871
作者: 教育部国际合作与交流司,教育部留学服务中心
國際書號(ISBN): 9787511575791
出版社: 人民日报出版社
出版日期: 2023-01-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 123.8



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HK$ 248.2

HK$ 92.0

HK$ 60.0

HK$ 73.8
[土库曼斯坦] 莫尔旦 汉服情缘
My Special Love for Han Costume 002
[喀麦隆]萨利姆 缘此初心,只此青绿
Guilin, a City Sticks to Its Original Aspiration 008
From Yuhangtang Road to Lu Xun Middle Road 016
[老挝] 康瑞 河那边那条路
The Road on the Other Side of the River 022
[贝宁]大明 责任
Responsibility 034
[老挝] 何宋 我在中国学钓鱼
Learning Fishing in China 044
[土耳其]依德 难忘的重庆火锅文化
Unforgetable Chongqing Hotpot Culture 050
[塞内加尔]瓦德 梦想工程师
Dream Engineer 056
[日本]福中春美 “因为天下的婴儿哭声都是一样的”
”Because All the Babies in the World Cry the Same” 066
[韩国]金德原 回味一场邂逅读懂一个国家
Look Back on an Encounter and Understand a Country 072
[马来西亚]吕纯华 口中的煎饼,心里的中国
Jianbing in My Mouth, China in My Heart 082
[法国]勒黑波妮 缘分让我遇见你
I Am Fated to Meet You, China 090
[贝宁]乔西安 北京人的含蓄与热情
The Implicit and the Hospitality of the Beijingers 098
[也门]巴沙 遇见美丽中国
Meeting with the Beautiful China 104
[英国] 方俊杰 我想让姥姥过上中国老人的生活
I Wish My Grandma Live Like the Elderly in China 112
[肯尼亚]杰西卡 向往之路
The Road I Yearn for 118
[马来西亚]谭恩霖 我与中国的美丽邂逅
My Beautiful Encounter with China 124
[马来西亚]陈晓如 南游小记
A Trip to the South 132
[ 巴勒斯坦] 阿舒尔 山水熟稔,他乡故乡
Landscapes Grown Familiar,Foreign Country Turned Into Hometown 140
[韩国]李彩虹 我与中国共成长
I Grow Up with China 148
[韩国]金世友 邂逅脱贫攻坚战全面胜利的中国
Encounter with China, the Country
That Has Fully Won the War Against Poverty 156
[阿富汗]沙溢 “人民至上”,从这句话读懂中国
Understanding China From a ”People Firs” Perspective 166
[尼泊尔]巴迪克 我的中国缘
My Connection with China 172
[刚果民主共和国] 罗娜 中国,每天都是一个新世界
Every Day Is a New World in China 178
[越南]段芳花 邂逅中国,邂逅雨中的桂林
Encounter China, Encounter Guilin in the Rain 186
[印度]方恒 在中国追逐我的飞天梦
Pursuing My Dream of Flying in China 192
[伊朗]玛丽 “一带一路”的伊朗使者
Serving as an Iranian Envoy of BRI 198
[俄罗斯]喀秋莎 伟大的中国
The Great China 206
[越南] 许菲 以梦为马,追梦中国
Chasing My Dream in China 212
[哥伦比亚]罗丹 邂逅在未来
Encounter in the Future 220
[日本] 藤村有纪 学汉语和吃饺子
Learning Chinese and Eating Dumplings 226
[印度尼西亚] 刘米莎 “精明”的中国人
The“Smart” Chinese 232
[朝鲜]俞振宇 愿山河无恙,岁月安康
May the World Peaceful and People Healthy 240
[日本] 黄杉山 了解中国,从“吃”开始!
Learn About China Through ”Eating” 244
[老挝]乔杨 那山那水那人
That Mountain, That Water, That Man 248
[俄罗斯]谢奕舒 早安中国
Good Morning China 258
[马来西亚]吕家豪 漂洋过海来看“你”
Crossing the Ocean to See“You” 262
[中非] 巴州若 邂逅中国,感受汉语之美
Encounter China and Enjoy the Charm of Chinese Language 268
[孟加拉国]妮鲁 我爱你,多彩而温暖的贵州
I Love You, Colorful and Warm Guizhou 274
[印度尼西亚] 顾允灏 中国梦,汉语情
Dream for China, Love for Chinese 284
[约旦] 李娜 我和中国的“相识、相遇、相知”
My Acquaintance, Encounter and Knowing Each Other with China 292
[意大利]倪佳莫 我、乒乓球、中国
Table Tennis, China and I 300
[韩国] 权大领 远亲不如近邻
A Near Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Cousin306
[意大利]晓玉 中国制造——从玩具到长征五号
Made in China: From Toys to Long March-5 Series 310
[瑞典]爱丽莎 中国让我成为一名创业者
Being an Entrepreneur in China 314
[巴西]郜彩乔 中国红与时代的机遇
Chinese Red and Opportunities of the Era 320
[印度尼西亚]田燕妮 我的寻根之路
My Route of Seeking Root 326
[巴西]颜露华 跳格子
Hopscotch 332
[乌拉圭] 李珊琳 播撒希望种子的中国云之旅
Guiding Uruguayan Pupils on a“Cloud Tour of China” 338
[韩国] 柳奇和 一名“老”留学生的中国情缘
My Love for China: From an“Old” International Student 348
[乌兹别克斯坦]嘉米锡 我心目中的中国形象
China in My Mind 354
[意大利]刘意龙 感受中国速度
Feeling the Speed of China 360
[巴勒斯坦]安妮 梦想之国
Land of Dreams 366
[越南]阮氏碧玉 在彩云之,上体验中国的美
Experiencing the Beauty of China Above the Colorful Clouds 374
[越南]范梅兰 崭新时代的美丽選追
A Beautiful Encounter in the New Era 380
[马来西亚]戴展略 爱在中国,难以忘怀
Unforgettable Love with China 388
[俄罗斯]安智美 中国是一杯奶茶
China, a Cup of MilkTea 394
[泰国] 佩佩 感受中国新时代
Experience a New Era in China 400
[泰国]黄伟豪 音乐之声唱响中国故事
Telling Chinese Stories with Music 406
[巴基斯坦]王子 我与张家界的美丽通追
My Beautiful Encounter with Zhangjiajie 412
More than 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian, an oficial and diplomat of the Han Dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE) was appointed to travel to the Western Regions by the emperor and became the ”trail blazer of the ancient Silk Road.” More than 1,300 years ago, China began to accept Japanese envoys to study in China, which became a big event in the history of Sino-foreign cultural exchange. More than 400 years ago, the Italian Matteo Ricci came to China and made important contributions to the scientific and cultural exchanges between China and the West. Seventy years ago, the newly established People‘s Republic of China welcomed the first batch of 33 international students from East European countries, which opened the prelude of studying in China. Chinese education has started to go global, and the nation is becoming more and more open to attract and train a large number of international students from all over the world.
The state-to-state relations lie in the goodwill between the peoples of the countries, and the people’s goodwill lies in their heart-to-heart communication. International students have always been regarded as the ”connecting bridge” between China and the rest of the world. You‘ve learnt knowledge in the classroom through brainstorming, to experience the colorful academic life in campus and to explore the rivers and mountains of China in order to better understand Chinese culture. By sharing your personal story with the world, you have depicted a real China and promoted mutual understanding and communication.
Words are the most important carrier that records the times. Entrusted by the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Chinese Serice Center for Scholarly Exchange held the 6th ”My Beautiful Encounter with China” Essay Contest. The contest has received positive responses from Chinese universities, overseas students and graduates who have studied in China. According to the statistics, nearly 500 articles were received from more than 100 universities, Educational Affairs Office Of Chinese Embassy, alumni organizations and individuals, and international students from more than 8o countries and regions around the world. We are pleased to see that the overall quality of essay entries, both in terms of text and breadth and depth of content, has improved. After the evaluation of the organizing committee of the contest, 5 first prizes, 8 second prizes, 16 third prizes, 31 excellent prizes and several special prizes were finally awarded. Some of the winning articles will be published as the sixth volume in the series ”My Beautiful Encounter with China.”
These articles record the participants’ wonderful living and studying experience in China, highlight the charm of traditional Chinese culture and the achievements of China‘s modern development and show the world a reliable,admirable and respectable image of China in a real, comprehensive and multifaceted way.
Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning. In their articles, many international students recorded their understanding, recognition and affection of Chinese culture and Chinese lifestyle. Merdan Shirov, a student from Turkmenistan, is fond of watching the Han Costume performance in Xian’s Great Tang All Day Mall. In addition to the beauty of the Han Costume, he is even more impressed by the cultural connotation of the costume. He wrote, ”Are you not battle-dressed? Let‘s share the kilt and the rest. The eclectic and harmonious coexistence of multi-ethnic cultures represented by Han Costume is so similar to that of today’s China.” Idil, a student from Turkey, showed great interest in hotpot when traveling in Chongqing Municipality. She visited to Chongqing Culture Museum to explore the origin of Chongqing hotpot. After learning about Chongqing wharf culture and the long history of hotpot, she felt that ”the most important thing behind it (hotpot) is the inclusiveness and innovation of Chongqing culture.” Grimsley James Alexander, a student from the UK, was impressed by Beijing‘s parks.There are so many joyful and active elderly folks in the parks, who are dancing in the square, writing brush calligraphy on the ground, playing chess and singing Peking Opera. This finding broke his stereotype of the elderly as an British. The catchphrase ”We are old, but not old at heart” touched him and he hoped to bring this lifestyle back to the UK, so that his grandmother could also live a Chinese elderly life.
There is a Chinese saying that ”It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” More and more foreign students choose to explore the vast land of the nation during their study in China, and learn about the vibrant and wonderful contemporary life in the unity of knowledge and practice. In a social practice organized by the school, Kim Deokwon from South Korea went to a small mountain village in Guillin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. After seeing the traditional life of this small village, feeling the rural revitalization and listening to the villagers’ stories about the livestreaming commerce led by the ”First Secretary,” he thought that he had ”found a key to understand Guilin, understand Guangxi and understand China” as a whole. Through indepth learning and practice, more and more students began to understand and recognize China‘s wisdom and China’s development plan. Sharif Mohammad Shahir, an Afghan student studying at Central South University, has witnessed China‘s achievement in poverty alleviation and epidemic prevention and control in the past seven years. He wrote, ”Over the years, I have used my feet to survey the gorgeous and vast country, my eyes to see how modern China’s rural areas are reviving, my ears to hear the pulse of the Chinese dream, and my heart to feel how old and modern civilizations interact. What I have seen and heard has helped me to see a real and three-dimensional China, a China that is constantly innovating, a China where the people come frst.”
“Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations.” Dear students, hailing from all over the world, you have gathered in China to further your study abroad. We hope you will embrace your dreams, exert your best efforts, bridge differences and act as storytellers and recorders of Chinese stories, disseminators of Chinese voices and founders of the
friendship between China and your motherland.
In the future, no matter where you go, you will have a common name -”Alumni Studying in China.” The Chinese people will be your heartfelt friends and China will provide you a broad stage to show your talents. China will always be your second hometown.
Editorial Committee
November 20, 2022
文字是记录时代的最重要载体。受教育 部国际司委托,教育 部留学服务中心举办“我与中国的美丽邂逅”来华留学生征文大赛已经是第六届了。大赛得到了中国各高校、广大来华留学生和留华毕业生的积极响应。本届大赛共收到来自100余所高校、驻外使领馆教育处、留华校友组织以及个人投稿近500篇,撰文的来华留学生遍及全球80多个国家和地区。本届大赛的参赛作品整体水平,无论是文字的娴熟、优美,还是内容的广度、深度等方面均有提升。经过征文比赛组委会的评审,最终评出一等奖5名,二等奖8名、三等奖.16名、优秀奖31名,特色奖若干,部分获奖作品将作为“我与中国的美丽邂逅”系列丛书的第六册结集出版。这些优秀的作品记录了参赛者精彩的留学经历与生动的中国故事,凸显出中华传统文化的魅力与中国现代化发展的成就,向全世界展示真实、立体、全面和可信、可爱、可敬的中国形象。



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